You may consider undertaking a cleanse, if you answer ‘YES’ to more than 6 of the questions in our Toxicity Self-Test.

Toxicity Self-Test
1.Do you live or work in the city?
2. Do you work in an office?
3. Do you use underground transport regularly?
4. Do you regularly use a mobile phone?
5. Do you regularly use a computer?
6. Do you frequently run or walk alongside busy roads with traffic?
7. Do you regularly smoke cigarettes or other substances?
8. Do you frequently use recreational or prescription drugs and medications?
9. Do you drink alcohol on a daily basis or binge-drink on the weekend or at other times?
10. Do you exercise less than 20 minutes three times per week?
11. Do you catch more than three colds and flus in an average year?
12. Do you have any mercury fillings in your teeth?
13. Do you regularly drink on a daily basis any of the following: tea, coffee, fizzy drinks, tap water, cow’s milk and carbonated sodas?
14. Do you regularly eat on a daily basis any of the following: sugar, sweets, chocolates, biscuits, cakes, white bread, white rice, tinned foods, frozen foods, microwave foods, take-away meals, fried foods and processed meats?
15. Do you regularly add white sugar or sugar substitutes to tea or coffee?
16. Do you regularly add salt to your food when cooking or add salt on food?
17. Do you usually eat non-organic foods?
18. Is reading food labels for chemicals or preservative before making selection irrelevant to you?
Potential Cleanse Benefits
- Support Natural Detoxification and Elimination Pathways
- Encourage Healthy Energy Levels
- Promote healthy weight
- Optimising digestion and absorption
- Optimise skin vitality
- Promote healthy immunity

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