Friday 25 November 2011

Model Diet: Purifyne 7-day Juice Detox

Roos Van Montfort is a successful model and our returning client. She loves Purifyne Juice Detox. Follow the link to youtube video to find out why:

Thursday 24 November 2011

Lose a dress size before Christmas

December is a month of food and drink indulgence. By incorporating some or all of our simple and practical detox tips into your daily diet, you will ensure that your body is adequately prepared for the holiday period.

• Warm water with lemon: A glass of warm water with lemon before breakfast is cleansing and detoxifying.
• Vitamin C: Take some additional vitamin C (e.g. 1000mg Effervescent tablets). It helps the body produce glutathione, a liver compound that drives toxins away from the body.
Eliminate wheat, dairy, coffee, sugar, high fat foods, alcohol, bad fats and red meat: You will have too much of the above during the festive season so do your liver a big favour before “the time of indulgence” arrives.
• Introduce Green Vegetable juice: Studies show that incorporating at least 1 freshly squeezed vegetable green juice a day, increases metabolic rate and makes you to lose weight faster
Take a couple of spoonfuls of Extra Virgin Olive Oil before going to bed to help stimulate your liver to eliminate bile and keep circulation flowing.
• Dry brushing: Dry brushing helps to detoxify the lymphatic system, metabolism and the whole body. Do it before bath, shower and exercises.
• Hot bath with Epsom Salt (or Dead Sea Salt): Have a warm to hot bath with some Epsom Bath Salt before going to bed. It removes toxins from the body, reduce swelling, improve skin structure, relieve muscular pain, ease stress etc.
Sea Salt Scrub: Use it while having bath as it helps to improve lymphatic system, removes dead skin cells and toxins from the body.
Lymphatic drainage massage: Helps increase lymph flow. Increased lymph flow removes harmful substances from the tissues to your liver where they are detoxified

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Stress and Weight Gain

So many of us wonder why they don’t lose weight despite exercising and healthy eating habits. You might have reduced or eliminated all possible indulgence – carbs, lattes, desserts – and yet, there is no sign of a major weight loss.
There is a direct correlation between stress and weight gain: “Within a few minutes of being in a state of high anxiety and stress, the body releases the hormone Cortisol which, in turn, leads to blood sugar spikes, insulin resistance and weight gain.”

The main indicator insulin resistance of is:

• Fat around the middle: the liver turns excess sugar into fat and stores it around your waist

Health concern:

• Abdominal fat is linked to heart disease and diabetes

Stress vs Metabolism

Metabolism meltdown

You may not see a different in your weight on the scales but study has shown that chronic stress increases concentration of the hormones Leptin and Blood Glucose levels. According to Dr. Joan Borysenko “the study shows is that muscle and other tissues were turning into fat and the stress was influencing overall metabolic health.”
Affected sleep pattern

Stress stops us sleeping which puts further pressure on our metabolism:

• A study involved 120,000 people over 20 years has found that sleeping less than 6 hours and more than 8 hours is linked to weight gain.

• A study from University of Chicago has found that people who have a good night sleep lose 55% more body fat than those who only got 5-hour sleep

Once tired and sleepy, our bodies need more fuel. This makes us opt for more fatty foods and carbs which are almost immediately changed into glucose.