Tuesday 14 January 2014

Detox recipe: Mashed Avocado with fresh Lemon juice

Great for lifting you up while on (and off) detox, Avocados help control your blood sugar levels. Have it when you feel a sudden drop in energy and you will not experience it again and keep you off snacking on sugary foods.

  • Mash ½ Avocado
  • Squeezed some fresh lemon juice (out of a fresh lemon fruit)
  • Add some Cayenne pepper (for taste)
Avocados’ benefits:
  • Help you absorb your fat-soluble beauty vitamins: A, D, E, and K (since our brain is largely composed of fat)
  • Help control the blood sugar levels: no drops in energy and start snacking on sugary foods.
  • High in fiber and minerals: potassium, copper, and iron
  • Provide plenty of moisture and good fat to your skin, hence, assist in maintaining it beautiful and bright.

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