Tuesday 14 January 2014

Post-cleanse Weight Loss Special Treat during the National Detox Month of January

 January is National Detox month! To celebrate this Purifyne have a special treat for all our clients this January! Try our new juice made from Grapefruit, Apple, Fennel & Mint Juice.

Grapefruit, Apple, Fennel & Mint Juice
  • 1.5 Grapefruits 675g
  • 1 Apple 182g
  • 1/2 Fennel 117g 

  • Small bunch of fresh mint 20g
Nutritional information:
Calories per serving: 403 | Fat per serving: 1.36 gram


What it does for you:

Despite its reputation as a “fat-burner,” Grapefruit has no special ability to burn away excess fat. What it does is to provide you with is a soluble fibre content which is enough to make you full for longer, discouraging you from overeating. Grapefruit is also highly nutritious with only a few calories for our bodies to deal with, hence, a weight loss effect.
Combined with an apple, the blend helps your body to eliminate toxins in a natural manner. The apple adds a touch of sweetness. The fennel and mint calm your digestive system and help lower blood pressure and reduce stress. It is also adds a pleasant aroma that works beautifully with the mint,
This juice will give you a natural energy, leaving you feeling calm, yet refreshed at the same time.

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