With an impending booking looming for photographs for City AM, I was instinctively interested. I have also for some time wondered if having a glass or two of wine every evening meant I qualified as a borderline alcoholic and was interested to see if I could kick that and my awful coffee habit, so I agreed.

So on the 22nd September the Detox began. Three brown bags of product arrived at the office. There were 12 bottles of juice, some Aloe Vera water, Super Food Mix, Colosan Powder, Multi Vitamin Tablets, Liver Support Capsules and herbal tea Hmmm tasty! Very clear instructions indicated which order everything should be taken in and when to start drinking the juices.
The juices come in a variety of flavours, the ingredients they contain are listed on the side of each bottle. They can include anything from beetroot, cucumber, carrots, broccoli, radishes, raspberries, strawberries et al. I definitely preferred the red ones, there’s something not very appetising about purified cucumber and it was my least favourite. The juices are delivered every 2 – 3 days as their freshness does require them to be refrigerated and not stored for longer than a few days. I know this to my cost because in the last days of the diet I left one for 3 days in the office at Park Place and got an email from them saying it had exploded all over their ceiling. Ooops!
I had been warned that on Day 2 of the detox the caffeine leaving my body would result in a headache. As I had been drinking 5 – 8 mugs a day for as long as I can remember I was not sure what to expect. At 5.00am on the second day I was woken up with a headache that would have killed a small farm animal! By Day 4 it had gone but never forgotten.
Apart from the headache there were not any other major side effects although you do have to be a little careful about how you apportion the Colosan Powder intake. It’s designed to cleanse your entire digestive tract and it certainly does its job. What surprised me most that was for the entire duration of the detox I did not once feel desperately hungry or wake up with night starvation.
It was strange to lose the need to chew anything and be on a totally fluid diet but I was extremely impressed with my resolve to stick to it, particularly given I was still having to cook at home for the children and including feeding 30 people on Day 3 who were at our house for Philip’s 20th Birthday Party.
Throughout the detox I received daily emails and messages of support from Purifyne they were incredibly encouraging and gave me the incentive to really stick at this for myself. The results were quite astonishing.

Day 1 – 3 I had lost 2 pounds, some of that may have been in the brain cells that exploded during the headache, but wherever it came from it felt great to feel so much less bloated.
Day 3 – 7 I lost a further 4lbs in weight and was definitely feeling more energised. My preconception that the wine I was drinking in the evenings had been helping me sleep were completely wrong, I was sleeping better than ever and waking up feeling incredibly refreshed.
Day 7 – 10 My energy levels increased, I felt great for kicking my caffeine habit and didn’t feel the need for coffee to wake me up. I was feeling really refreshed and generally happier. Weight loss a further 1lb. Less than before because I had no choice but to go to a lunch at The Savoy with a client and it would have been sacrilege to have wasted the opportunity. However, I chose incredibly well from the menu so as not to completely ruin my good work.
Day 10 – 14 Lost another 2 lbs. Total weight loss 9lbs. Whoop whoop! I felt absolutely brilliant, so much fitter and healthier than before. My clothes looked better as I had lost two dress sizes and I was venturing on starting to wear colours. Everyone said the biggest difference was in my face which has glowed ever since on account of being so proud of what I was able to achieve.
So what happens after you’ve invested all that money and time into the programme and then you have to revert to normal eating? Would it be short lived?
The caffeine habit has completely gone, I drink decaffeinated tea and coffee and more herbal drinks. A slice of lemon in hot water is really refreshing and I was told that it is the caffeine in my diet that was making me retain and put on the weight.
I didn’t become tee total, I don’t think anyone that knows me would believe that would ever happen, not with all the kids I have!

Every sceptic, failed dieter, Pyrronhist, I spoke to assured me I would put the weight back on. I was told it was impossible not to once I started eating again. Let me tell you they are all WRONG! I have put on 2 pounds in weight which happened within the first few days of eating again, however now I’ve had a few weeks of settling into a healthy routine I have every confidence that will go anyway. I eat a normal balanced diet, I haven’t cut out carbs, fat and I don’t live on salad. I eat less than I did but then I’m smaller than I was. I would do better if I exercised more but what this diet did more than anything was kick start a long term plan. It gave me instant confidence and results, but above all that it proved to me that when I put my mind to it I do have the willpower to do anything I want.
Why not try it yourself? More information here: http://www.purifynecleanse.com/signature-cleanse.html
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