Wednesday 29 May 2013

NO to Sugar for younger looking complexion

According to the recent studies, not only is Sugar contributing to our rising level of obesity but ages us too. Expensive creams can only do that much. Our main focus should always remain what we put inside of our bodies.

Why not change your skin fate and boost your complexion with the following:

Foods to love - Avocado, Salmon, Sardines, Mackerel, Nuts, Seeds etc.

Foods to avoid - Bread, biscuits, cakes, white / brown sugar, sushi (the rice is marinated in sugary wine), heavy sauces, too much honey and, of course, artificial sweeteners.

One of the best ways to eliminate your sugar cravings is to do a though body cleanse: Purifyne Green or Anti- Ageing Cleanse plans offer just that.

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