Friday 21 February 2014

Raw Chocolate Truffle

If you are like us and have a sweet tooth that craves decadent chocolate, yet you are mindful of what you put in your body, than most chocolate products on the market are not exactly representatives of healthy, gilt free indulgence. 
Feel and look your best this Valentine by making our Raw Chocolate Truffles for you …and your loved one, of course! Easy and quick to prepare, these Dark chocolate truffles are simply to die for. Here are what you need and how you do it. 

  • 1 cup of Almonds
  • 1/3 cup of Raw cacao
  • 1 cup of pitted Dates
  • ½ Coconut flakes
  • cold-pressed Orange Juice (if not prepared on a Norwalk juicer)

  • Soak dates in warm water for 15 minutes to soften
  • Whilst dates are soaking add nuts, cacao, orange juice (for taste and if you are not making your truffle on Norwalk juicer) to processor and mix
  • Add dates and process
  • If mixture is too dry add either a tablespoon of filtered water, or a little bit more orange juice
  • Let mixture sit for 10 minutes
  • Roll mixture into bite size ball size
  • Roll balls in shredded coconut
  • Eat at once or leave them in a fridge to have them cold or freeze to have it later.

Benefits: Nutritious, delicious and rich in antioxidants due to raw cacao, this this dark chocolate treat will give you afternoon energy boost during your post-cleanse period. 

Cacao Benefits:
  • Slows ageing process
  • Fights free radicals
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Helps prevent heart diseases

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