Monday 15 April 2013

Did you know:

Vitamins fall into two categories: fat-soluble and water soluable. 

Fat-soluable - Vit. A, D, E and K: 

- found mainly in animals fats and meat
- stored in the liver and fat supplies (no need to eat them every day)
- BE AWARE: since they are stored in the body, they can accumulated to the harmful levels if you are not careful. This is the reason why we should not take multivitamins alongside individual vitamins without proper dietary advice.

Combining foods rich in Vit. D and C together becomes healthier and more beneficial for our bodies' nutrient absorption.

Vitamin D and Calcium: The vast majority of the population in the UK are Vitamin D deficient which is required by the body to absorb Calcium.

Vitamin D-rich: Oily fish (Sardines and Salmon), Eggs and fortified Cereals
Calcium-rich: Dairy, Dark Green and Leafy vegetables

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