Practically every overweight body is nutrionally starved despite the number of calories it has consumed. The digestive system of those who eat highly processed, chemically altered foods and those who chronically overeats, does not function properly as remains in a state of persistent stimulation, craving the nutrients it deserves.
The more you overeat, the more difficult for your body to deal with excess, chemically processed foods and it stores this excess food as fat cells. Fat cells, in turn, are a perfect storehouse for toxins and people who easily store fat have difficulty dealing with these waste matters. We find ourselves in a vicious circle: excess fat decreases metabolic rate and toxins build up as more fat is stored. Liver is the most important fat burning organ in the body: it recycles, regenerates and detoxifies. The main function of the liver is to eliminate toxins from the body which, in turn, improves its metabolic rate. It regulates fat metabolism by a complicated set of biochemical pathways. It can also pump excessive fat out of the body through the bile into the small intestines. Thus, the liver is an impressive ‘body tool’ for keeping weight under control as it is both a fat burning and fat pumping organ.
However, liver put under constant stress by consuming more foods with harmful ingredients does not perform its major functions efficiently.
To achieve permanent fat loss, detoxification or elimination of toxic matters is the key, hence, liver must function at its best.
Purifyne Juice Detox concentrates on cleansing the liver. We use ingredients to detoxify this major fat burning organ so that it starts performing its major function in a more effective manner. As you start to feed your body with naturally squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, your digestion will improve and your metabolism starts to function normally again.
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