Friday 18 March 2011

The 6 Major imbalance: Hormonal

Purifyne - - is continuing writing about the 6 major imbalances that affect weight-loss process. This week we are concentrating on Hormonal imbalance that can create a condition for toxic weight gain.
Chronic stress raises levels of key hormones: insulin and cortisol making you overeat. The fat in your body can also alter your hormonal balance and trigger additional weight gain.

Foods that help:

• Non-starchy vegetables: Broccoli, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts

• Leafy greens

• Lean animal protein

• Soya protein

• Semi-skimmed and whole dairy products

• Eggs

• Pulses

• Nuts and seeds

• Lemon, Lime, (all) Herbs, Green Tea

Foods that harm:

• Caffeine, alcohol

• Sugar, fructose, honey

• Refined flour, grains and breads

• Baked goods

• Chocolate and sweets

• Biscuits, crisps and salty snacks

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