The causes of bloatiness are as follows:
• Diet:
o Particularly if someone has a high salt intake or eats a lot of gas-producing foods, such as dark leafy vegetables or beans.
o Calcium: calcium supplements can also cause gas in some people.
• Inhaling: a simple reflex of inhaling can be the cause of bloating; some people actually swallow more air in as a result of stress, or simply when they eat!
• Gum and smoking: Chewing on gum and smoking can also make you inhale more air, aggravating the discomfort. Avoid talking while you’re eating to prevent bloating.
• Food: one of the main causes of bloating and gas is food that doesn't get properly absorbed.
o Sorbitol contains in sugar-free gum which is not absorbed by the body.
o Milk (more specifically milk sugar or lactose) is another culprit that our body isn't necessarily engineered to digest.
o Fructose, the sugar in fruit, is equally not well tolerated by some people.
o Desserts: many of them are prepared with very rich, creamy products that contain a lot of lactose. They’re often irresistible, but try to avoid dairy altogether for a few days, and see if your symptoms change.
o Fruit and vegetables: consuming raw cauliflower and broccoli could result in bloatiness as body doesn't have the right enzymes to digest completely. This feeds bacteria and results in more gas and flatulence.
The bottom line is our digestive system simply cannot process everything, and you are the only one to know your limitations. Not respecting them and consuming ingredients that are harmful to you will result in undigested food fermenting in the intestines, where bacteria will feed on it and produce more gas.
Some solutions:
• Diet:
o Try to eliminate some types of foods from your daily diet in order to see how your body feels without them: junk foods, dairy, certain more acidic fruit (oranges, mandarins etc), wheat,
o Use less salt and drink more water
o Have a glass of warm water before meals: take only little sips. Do not drink during any meals to avoid being bloating.
o Incorporate Celery into your daily diet as it contains sodium and potassium needed for water balance
o Have
a. Chicory which contains prebiotics that feeds the good bacteria in the gut
b. Miso which contains enzymes to aid proper digestion
c. Raw sauerkraut for enzymes and beneficial bacteria to aid digestion
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