Wednesday 1 September 2010

Tips on how to boost your metabolism – part II

• Herbal teas: Green tea: metabolic enhancer and natural diuretic, Pu'erh and Oolong teas: both are full of antioxidants and speed up metabolic system and burn fat cells
• Colonic/enema: It is vital to keep your colon clean for better function of your liver, digestion and metabolic systems etc.
• Thyroid disorder: Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland) and Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland) can slow down or speed up metabolism. Therefore, it is a good idea to check your thyroid function, especially, if you struggle to lose weight.
• Drink plenty of water: Your liver can mainly concentrate on body metabolism rather than water preservation. Therefore, do make sure you drink plenty of water.
• Drink iced water: epriving your body of water can encourage it to "hoard" rather than "burn". When your drink ice cold water, your body burns calories warming it to body temperature. More than 90% of the chemical reactions in your body occur in water, so make sure you drink an appropriate amount of water.
• Overeating forces the body to store fat by increasing your body fat percentage which in turn slows down your metabolism. Therefore, ‘less is more’! Have 5-6 small meals a day instead of 2-3 big ones.

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