Sunday 1 August 2010

Tips on how to boost your metabolism – part I

• Purifyne detox : once your liver receives much needed rest, it starts performing its vital function in a much efficient way i.e. detoxifying any residual toxins together with previously stored fat cells. By effectively cleansing your body from toxins you will also increase your metabolic rate, energy, decrease in cravings etc.

• Vitamins/antioxidants:

o Alpha lipoic acid (one of the most powerful antioxidant which is also responsible for preventing ageing process): take 200-600 mg daily.

o Kelp* (iodine: liquid/tablets): to support thyroid function. This should assist you with bringing up your metabolism and specifically oxidative metabolism

• Lean animal proteins (salmon, chicken): they help you to fuelled and burn calories

• Cut down on wheat and gluten: both can work as a hormone disrupter and later your appetite to increase cravings

• Dry brushing: do it before your bath, shower, exercise as lymphatic massages helps to stimulate metabolism and detoxify your body

• 5 small meals a day keep your weight at bay as micro-mealing doesn’t allow you to get too hungry between meals. By eating every few hours, you will keep your metabolism firing, your blood sugar stable and leave your body in a much better state to burn energy

• Sauna, steam rooms: both assist your body in mobilising stored fat, which becomes water soluble around 42 degrees and then expelled from your body via sweat

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