~ Plenty of energy Day 2. Day 3 - was all good till 4/5pm.
~ lost approx. 4-5 pounds (not that I wanted to) but I by the morning after the 3rd day partly due to getting rid of waste and water retention from Salts and Carbohydrates and partly due to the liver detoxification.
~ Most of the juices were enjoyable
~ **The raw Almond Milk is delicious and when mixed with the Vegan Protein Chocolate Powder... Super Delicious
~ **The 'Maca Warrior' Pre-Workout Smoothie is also Delicious too
~ Eliminating all dairy/caffeine/Sugars etc can only do your body a whole lot of good
~ **My body felt really good. I felt lean and a lot less bloated
~ I lacked energy in the afternoon on Day 1. I continued with my usual training routine in the morning which involved a weight session in the gym but I still had a Zumba class to take in the evening. Picking up the energy for that was very hard. All was groovy once I started
~ Day 3 (Late afternoon) was really tough. With how active I am, what I was putting into my body (of which I didn't have a choice other than what Purifyne Cleanse offered per day) was just not enough.
~ It's like anything. The finish line was only a sleep away but boy did I struggle with my energy levels in the gym on the last evening. I officially reached HANGRY (Hungry + Angry) and we all know we don't enjoy being in anyone's company when they have reached Hangry.
I'd like to emphasise that I wanted a more Alkaline based Cleanse. I wanted as little Fructose as possible which is the natural sugar found in fruits. All my 'juices' were primarily Vegetable based with one ingredient of Fruit amongst a few bottles. This was perfect because I do have a sweet tooth and had something 'sweeter' to look forward to.
Purifyne Cleanse really do their best to fit your chosen programme to your taste buds/Dietary preferences, making it personal and not just one for all.
I want to Thank Purifyne Cleanse for their extremely great service and allowing myself to try their unique 'Fitness Cleanse Programme' before released to the public
It is available NOW on the link below..
Any questions... Please please please fire away :)x
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