Your weekend recipe - Avocado salad: easy to prepare, nourishing and light - perfect option for your lunch
- Simply cut avocados, tomatoes in smaller pieces
- Throw some lettuce, seeds (chai and sunflower) and nuts (of your choice)
- Add some Extra Virgin Olive Oil (or White Truffle Oil), a bit of Sea salt and cayenne pepper
Enjoy !
Vicki Edgson- Nutritional Therapist #Meetourexperts
Drawing on her
training with the training in Nutritional Therapy, Chinese Herbal
medicine, Ayurvedic principles and Naturopathic medicine, she uses her
integrative approach to work alongside many doctors, gynaecologists,
psychiatrists and other professional to provide a bridge between
allopathic and the complementary medical fields.
With her
passion in writing and education, she has written 7 books on the subject
of nutrition, natural health, hormonal balance and related topics to
date, as well as contributing key features for the popular women’s
health magazines, and national press on a regular basis. She is known as
the ‘go-to’ guide in all health matters and yet is still available to
clients on a one-to-one basis.
Her core belief is that food
should be consumed ‘as close to Nature as Nature intended’, advocating
juicing and organic ingredients as the core to providing the body with
what it needs. Her advice to Purifyne has emanated out of her experience
with her clients’ needs, and what she has observed as being the essence
of ‘what works’.
Competition time - How do you start your day?
Win a 1-Reset Day - - by posting or tweeting images of how you begin YOUR day and what keeps your energy levels up to go through the day.
That is how we do it at Purifyne Juice Detox
- Greenewal Juice gives us our essential 5 a day and keeps us energised
so that we can provide our clients with the best service ever!
The Competition ends on the 5th April 2014.
As a personal trainer I thought it be a good idea to experience a 'Juice Cleanse'
for myself. Then only to pass on my experience to other/clients. I will
be completely honest and admit, there were Up's and Down's over the
past three days.
~ Plenty of energy Day 2. Day 3 - was all good till 4/5pm.
~ lost approx. 4-5 pounds (not that I
wanted to) but I by the morning after the 3rd day partly due to getting
rid of waste and water retention from Salts and Carbohydrates and
partly due to the liver detoxification.
~ Most of the juices were enjoyable
~ **The raw Almond Milk is delicious and when mixed with the Vegan Protein Chocolate Powder... Super Delicious
~ **The 'Maca Warrior' Pre-Workout Smoothie is also Delicious too
~ Eliminating all dairy/caffeine/Sugars etc can only do your body a whole lot of good
~ **My body felt really good. I felt lean and a lot less bloated
~ I lacked energy in the afternoon on
Day 1. I continued with my usual training routine in the morning which
involved a weight session in the gym but I still had a Zumba class to
take in the evening. Picking up the energy for that was very hard. All
was groovy once I started
~ Day 3 (Late afternoon) was really
tough. With how active I am, what I was putting into my body (of which I
didn't have a choice other than what Purifyne Cleanse offered per day)
was just not enough.
~ It's like anything. The finish line
was only a sleep away but boy did I struggle with my energy levels in
the gym on the last evening. I officially reached HANGRY (Hungry +
Angry) and we all know we don't enjoy being in anyone's company when
they have reached Hangry.
I'd like to emphasise that I wanted a
more Alkaline based Cleanse. I wanted as little Fructose as possible
which is the natural sugar found in fruits. All my 'juices' were
primarily Vegetable based with one ingredient of Fruit amongst a few
bottles. This was perfect because I do have a sweet tooth and had
something 'sweeter' to look forward to.
Purifyne Cleanse really do their best
to fit your chosen programme to your taste buds/Dietary preferences,
making it personal and not just one for all.
I want to Thank Purifyne Cleanse
for their extremely great service and allowing myself to try their
unique 'Fitness Cleanse Programme' before released to the public
It is available NOW on the link below..
Any questions... Please please please fire away :)x
We have worked with one of the leading
Nutritional Therapists in the UK, Christine Bailey, and one of Britain’s
most respected Fitness Experts, Dan Roberts, and here is the list of
juices and smoothies included in our new Fitness Cleanse:
• 3 organic, fitness focus, cold-pressed fruit and vegetable juices (500ml/bottle per day)
- Morning liver bliss: carrot, apple, beetroot, ginger
- Very berry: carrot, apple, celery, blueberry, blackberry,
- Protein booster: carrot, cucumber, spinach, kale,
spirulina, parsley, lemon
• Almond milk (500ml per day)
• Vega One Protein powder (blend it in with Raw Almond milk)
• Pre-workout smoothie (250ml per day)
- Maca Warrior smoothie
• Post-workout smoothie (250ml per day)
- Sea Green Chlorella smoothie- (or) Maca Warrior smoothie
• Coconut water (250ml per day)
• A set of natural cleanse and detox supplements
• Comprehensive pre/during/post-cleanse guidelines
Our Fitness Smoothie of the day - Maca Warrior - Pre and post-workout smoothie
Maca is a well-known Peruvian root vegetable and a rich source of amino
acids, iodine, iron and magnesium. It helps increase energy, reduce
stress and enhances the production of sex hormones. It is a useful
addition to smoothies pre and post training.
What would you do in preparation for your upcoming Space Voyage?
Well, one of Dan Roberts and Purifyne Cleanse clients, Dmitry Tokarev, has been training rigorously for his upcoming Space Expedition.
Being passionate about fitness and
Space Expedition, Dmitry recognises that nutrition plays a key role in
his Space training preparation. With that in mind, Dmitry has been
complementing his 100 days Transformation Training with Purifyne’s 3-day
Fitness Cleanse. Watch Space Expedition Training video to see how he has been doing it:
"...back on the cleanse to get fitter and feel better after weeks of indulgence"
Dmitry Tokarev,
Astronaut in Training
Receive £25 OFF our 3 or 5-day Fitness Cleanse plans booked before 25th March 2014.
The Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional campaigns.
Please use promo code PURIFITNESS25 at the time of booking.
Thinking of doing a cleanse but cannot bear the thought of stopping your exercise routine? You don't have to! Our new Fitness Cleanse is created for fitness enthusiasts.
Designed in collaboration with one of
the leading Nutritional Therapists in the UK, Christine Bailey, and one
of Britain’s most respected Fitness Experts, Dan Roberts, our Fitness
- supports healthy muscle function by providing fuel for exercise
- assists in your muscles’ recovery periods
- supports the production of energy
- reduces oxidative damage that occurs during exercise
- combats stress on the body
It also contains valuable nutrients
to support the production of energy, reduce oxidative damage that occurs
during exercise, combats stress on the body and promotes strength by
supporting muscle functions.
The Fitness Cleanse plan includes:
- 3 organic, fitness focus, cold-pressed fruit and vegetable juices (500ml/bottle per day)
- Morning liver bliss: carrot, apple, beetroot, ginger
- Very berry: carrot, apple, celery, blueberry, blackberry,
- Protein booster: carrot, cucumber, spinach, kale,
spirulina, parsley, lemon
- Almond milk (500ml per day)
- Vega One Protein powder (blend it in with Raw Almond milk)
- Pre-workout smoothie (250ml per day)
- Maca Warrior smoothie
- Post-workout smoothie (250ml per day)
- Sea Green Chlorella smoothie
- (or) Maca Warrior smoothie
- Coconut water (250ml per day)
- A set of natural cleanse and detox supplements
- Comprehensive pre/during/post-cleanse guidelines
Exercising regularly does not mean you are getting the maximum benefits. Nutrition is a critical component of any exercise or fitness programme – get it right and you can maximise the results” – says our nutritional expert, Christine Bailey.
Incorporating organic, cold-pressed juices
into your daily diet ensures that you are getting all essential
vitamins and minerals instantly as they reach your blood stream much
quicker than food being digested.
Here are some examples of what juices can help you with your exercise regime and why these are so good for you:
1. Bananas, beetroot and apples
This combination helps to exercise up to 16% longer.
Bananas and apples improve energy
Beetroot: Drinking
fresh beetroot before exercising can help improve your stamina and
endurance. The naturally-occurring nitrate in beetroot juice was shown
to lead to reduced oxygen uptake, which made exercise less tiring to
study participants (according to a study by the University of Exeter in
2. Carrots, beetroot, garlic and ginseng powder
Carrot: The juice gives
an instant pick-me-up feeling while providing you with lasting energy
for your workout. High levels of beta-carotene - an antioxidant that may
help oxygenate the blood, brain and body tissues.
Ginseng: Adding 1 teaspoon of Ginseng powder will increase some strength, energy and stamina for their workout too.
3. Carrots, cherry, apples and ginger
Cherry contains
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents. It can ease muscle and joint
pains and it is believed to promote muscle strength.
4. Grapes and ginger shots
Grapes are a great as energy boosters. The iron in them works well against fatigue.
Ps. The fruit is also good for the heart and helps with fighting premature ageing.

Alcohol works in the body as a diuretic resulting
in high levels of dehydration. When you metabolite alcohol, your body
first turns it into acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is more toxic than
alcohol itself, and is one of the reasons you have headaches and nausea
during a hangover.
The hangover symptoms ease as the body turns the substance into a
less toxic chemical. The best way to re-hydrate your body is to drink
plenty of fluids.
What you should drink and do:
Water: Hydration is the key so keep drinking still or fizzy mineral water with or without some Vitamin C Effervescent tablets.
Fruit juices: Have our Purivyve Grapefruit Juices first thing in the morning.
Coconut water: Hangover often results in increased
dehydration which can be reduced by consuming Coconut water. The drink
is one of the most naturally nutritious and hydrating drinks in the
Vitamin B: The Coconut water is also rich in
vitamins (B complex). A sufficient amount of Vitamin B Complex can
lessen the duration of a hangover. Vitamins B are water soluble and need
to replenish them in the diet on a daily basis.
Note: Take some “Berocca” for additional Vitamin B supplement.
Frozen peas: If you have a headache, a cold pack of frozen peas placed on the forehead can bring fast relief.
Exercise: Spend 5 minutes vigorously exercising as
it will improve your blood circulation, energy levels, boost your mood
(due to endorphin release) and burn a few calories which may ease your
guilt about how much you drank the night before.
Note: One drink—a 12-ounce beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces
of hard liquor—is metabolised by your body in an hour and, therefore,
“sweat it out” theory is myth.
The morning after: Take a hot bath as this opens the skin pores to release the alcohol toxins.
Lime Juice: Have some lime juice with a teaspoon of Sugar, Agave Nectar or Honey in some water and drink slowly.
Ginger tea: Having a cup of warm ginger tea (with honey) can also be functional in reducing the problems caused due to hangover.
Ginseng* is one of the proven herbal cures for the
trouble of hangover. Hangover often results in increased dehydration
which can be reduced by consuming the herb.
Asparagus contains the chemical
asparagine. This is an alkaloid that stimulates the kidneys and improves
the circulatory process. These alkaloids directly affect the cells and
break down fat. It also contains a chemical that helps to remove waste
from the body by breaking up the oxalic acid; this acid tends to glue
fat to cells, and so by breaking the acid up, it helps to reduce fat
Beets are a strong diuretic that focuses on
the liver and kidneys. Beets flush out floating body fats. They have a
special iron that cleanses the corpuscles. Corpuscles are blood cells
that can contain fat deposits.
It also contains a chlorine that also helps to flush out fatty
deposits. This chlorine stimulates the lymph which will clear out the
fat deposits.
Brussel Spouts
This vegetable
stimulates the glands, the pancreas especially, which releases hormones
that have a cleansing effect on the cells. There are also minerals that
stimulate the kidneys. Waste is released quicker and it helps to clean
out the cells.
This cleanses your body of waste matter
because it contains sulphur and iodine, which helps to cleanse the
mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Cabbage is a great food
if you should have a pot belly or a middle age spread. The diuretic
cabbage will help to break up the fat in this area.
contain carotene, a form of Vitamin A. This carotene will start a fat
flushing reaction in your system. This reaction will literally wash out
fat and waste quickly. The carotene will be transformed into vitamin A
in the intestines and this process will create a speed up in your
metabolism and cause a reaction in your cells to remove fat deposits.
celery has a high concentration of Calcium in a ready to use form, so
when you eat it, the calcium is sent directly to work. This pure form of
Calcium will ignite your endocrine system. The hormones in your body
will break up the accumulated fat build up. Celery also has a high level
of magnesium and iron which will clean out your system.
contains a high sulphur and silcon content. These minerals work to
stimulate the kidneys to wash out uric acid, which is a waste product.
With this uric acid being washed out, it stimulates the removal of fat,
and loosens the fat from the cells.
is a natural diuretic. Garlic has mustard oils and these oils create a
cleansing action in the body. They promote a vigorous action of
peristalsis, which is muscular contractions, and this will loosen fat
and help wash out fats. They can also breakdown clumps of fat. So eat
garlic and thin down.
We’ve all seen horseradish, few venture
to use it, but it has an amazing effect of dissolving fat in cells (no
side effects) and also as a cleansing effect on the body.
Lettuce contains iron and magnesium. These
minerals will enter your spleen, your spleen helps your immunity and
protects the body from illness. The spleen will use these minerals to
make them stronger, and send them to the cells and tissues. It will also
help the liver, increase your metabolism, and wash out fatty cells. The
darker lettuces have more of the minerals. So add Lettuce to your diet
Onions, similar to garlic, have minerals and
oils that will help to breakdown fat deposits and speed up your
metabolism. Have raw onions every day, it has more power than garlic and
with the milder smell, it will make an excellent addition to your diet.
Radishes scrub the mucous membrane of the
body because it contains high levels of Iron and Magnesium. These
minerals actually help to dissolve fat in the cells.
Tomatoes have high Vitamin C and
Citricmalic-oxalic acids. The acid will accelerate the metabolic
process. It also helps the kidneys to release more water and helps to
wash away fat.
The natural acids with the enzyme activated minerals prompt the
kidneys to filter out large quantities of fatty deposits and then you
eliminate them from your system. So add tomatoes to your daily diet and
your metabolism will thank you for it.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Use this diuretic in small
quantities. You can add it to your salad as a dressing. What makes this
such a powerful diuretic is this: It is made from apples and the malic
acid in apples will create a fat burning process. Another factor with
this vinegar is the fermentation process causes the vinegar to have
constructive acids that join with alkaline elements and minerals in the
body. This produces a cell scrubbing effect. It also contains high
levels of potassium, which has an antiseptic quality that helps to
eliminate fat deposits.
Natural remedies for headaches
Common Triggers:
- Stress
- Food intolerance: refined carbohydrates, chocolate, sweets, dairy, caffeine, alcohol
- Blood sugar imbalance
- Body toxicity level
- Sleep deprivation
- Hormonal fluctuations (in women)
- Smoke
- Excess sun (or too little sun)
- Anxiety
De-stress: Stress is one of the most common cause for headache. Release stress by:
- Having a glass of red wine – ONE glass only and NOT while on cleanse
- Taking a nap
- Having a hot bath
- Exercising as it helps the flow of endorphins
- Having a massage: it offers double relief – physical and mental
Willow bark (was used to develop Aspirin in 1800s):
Willow bark contains Salicin – a chemical similar to aspirin
(acetylsalicylic acid) – that has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory
effects of the herb. The effect is slower than aspirin but it lasts
Feverfew is an herb that acts by limiting the
production of Prostaglandins, the brain chemicals responsible for
contracting blood vessels. The contraction and expansion of the blood
vessels are thought to cause the “pounding” of headaches. Feverfew tends
to release the pain.
Acerola Cherry is a Latin American “super fruit”
with high levels of Anthocyanins - anti-inflammatory similar to aspirin
and ibuprofen – and are known for their headache relief quality.
Teas: Nettle, Feverfew and Camomile teas together
Magnesium-rich foods: Magnesium relaxes muscles and
nerves. Foods with high source of magnesium include: Green and Sea
vegetables, Avocados, Alfalfa sprouts, Millet, Brown rice, Quinoa, Soya,
Hazelnuts and Watercress.
Hemp and Flax seeds: high in Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Oily fish: Salmon, Sardines, Mackerel – high levels of EFAs.
A founder of Eos Dance,
Arianna is a lady of many talents: a qualified ballet teacher at the
Royal Academy of Dance (RAD), pilates and fitness trainer, seniors’
instructor, diet and supplementation consultant, a rehab advisor, a
Sports and Remedial Massage therapist.
Arianna has worked for 20 years in
Italy and the UK with children and adults of all ages and levels. She is
now a mentor of the Royal Academy of Dance training prospective new
With such warm, big-hearted and
approachable personality and passion for promoting various charities, no
wonder, we were keen on getting to know Arianna better, hence, our
questions to her:
Q: What made you start doing ballet initially?
A: It is an interesting story. I
was a real tomboy as a girl and my parents wouldn’t believe I really
wanted to wear a leotard. However, I kept asking insistently. I just
loved the idea of dancing and was convinced I would do it on a stage one
day. Well, they were very surprised to see me carry on.
Q: Have you always wanted to teach ballet?
A: Yes and no. I wanted to become a
ballerina just like the other girls, and a teacher when “too old to
dance”. However, my more practical aspiration was that of becoming a
school teacher, like my mum. I graduated and trained to do the latter
but never felt like leaving my lifetime passion for a school desk.
Q: How has ballet impacted on you personally and professionally?
A: I have always felt that ballet
suited my nature and the way I was raised. I like discipline, rules and
commitment. I have always felt comfortable being told and having to
follow what my teachers said. Ballet has probably only shown me how
rewarding hard work can be, especially when shrouded in such an
enchanting atmosphere.
Q: We assume that you are a very much health-orientated person? Is that the case?
A: I am but also like indulging in
treats. I believe there is nothing wrong in letting yourself go when
you generally follow a healthy lifestyle.
Q: How has ballet changed your attitude to food?
A: I am a unique case. Due to
thyroid problems and food allergies, I am incredibly skinny and this has
always been a great problem for me. It made me feel very unsecure as a
teenager. There is no way I could put on weight. I was hoping in
pregnancy but this only resulted in further weight loss… A complete
nightmare! As I mentioned, ballet is discipline. You must eat healthily
if you want to perform well. I do eat healthily to feel well and dance
as well as I can. However, I obviously don’t diet nor I feel I am doing
anything wrong when I eat up a whole bag of my favourite sweets. Ooops,
perhaps I shouldn’t have confessed that…
Q: If so, does it come naturally to you or you are that way for a specific reason?
A: Both. I was taught by my
parents that eating healthily is important so I have never had to make
an effort to do it. Feeling well is my specific reason.
Q: Would you like to try juice cleanse or any other cleanse plans?
A: Why not. Only on the condition that it won’t make me lose weight, though!
Q: What is your philosophy for a healthy and happy life, and how intrinsic is detoxing to this?
A: I may dare say that I am a
happy person. Probably, being healthy is one of the reasons why I feel
happy. There would be nothing worse for me than being unwell and
therefore unable to do all the things I like. Anything that could
support my long-term health is helpful, including detoxing.
Q: Are there any foods you wouldn’t eat?
A: No, not at all. There is
nothing I wouldn’t eat, except what I am allergic to. I am originally
Italian, so appreciating healthy food is simply second nature.
Q: What is an ideal daily menu for a ballet dance?
A: I don’t have a ballet menu. I
follow what I have been taught by my parents and by the fitness-related
studies I completed. A good balance of carbohydrates, protein, fruit and
vegetables, fluids and some nice comfort food.
How much sugar should we take daily?
Dr Francesco Branca, WHO's nutrition director, told a news conference
that the 10% target was a "strong recommendation" while the 5% target
was "conditional", based on current evidence.
Read more
Reset Days' celebrities funs include
actresses, models and athletes, including model/actress Suki Waterhouse,
Lauren Goodger and Laura Haddock are amongst the many satisfied fans of
our Reset Days juice cleansing.
“…Loving my Purifyne Cleanse and feel groovy.”
Suki Waterhouse, Model & Actress
A founder of Eos Dance,
Arianna is a lady of many talents: a qualified ballet teacher at the
Royal Academy of Dance (RAD), pilates and fitness trainer, seniors’
instructor, diet and supplementation consultant, a rehab advisor, a
Sports and Remedial Massage therapist.
Arianna has worked for 20 years in
Italy and the UK with children and adults of all ages and levels. She is
now a mentor of the Royal Academy of Dance training prospective new
With such warm, big-hearted and
approachable personality and passion for promoting various charities, no
wonder, we were keen on getting to know Arianna better, hence, our
questions to her:
Q: What made you start doing ballet initially?
A: It is an interesting story. I
was a real tomboy as a girl and my parents wouldn’t believe I really
wanted to wear a leotard. However, I kept asking insistently. I just
loved the idea of dancing and was convinced I would do it on a stage one
day. Well, they were very surprised to see me carry on.
Q: Have you always wanted to teach ballet?
A: Yes and no. I wanted to become a
ballerina just like the other girls, and a teacher when “too old to
dance”. However, my more practical aspiration was that of becoming a
school teacher, like my mum. I graduated and trained to do the latter
but never felt like leaving my lifetime passion for a school desk.
Q: How has ballet impacted on you personally and professionally?
A: I have always felt that ballet
suited my nature and the way I was raised. I like discipline, rules and
commitment. I have always felt comfortable being told and having to
follow what my teachers said. Ballet has probably only shown me how
rewarding hard work can be, especially when shrouded in such an
enchanting atmosphere.
Q: We assume that you are a very much health-orientated person? Is that the case?
A: I am but also like indulging in
treats. I believe there is nothing wrong in letting yourself go when
you generally follow a healthy lifestyle.
Q: How has ballet changed your attitude to food?
A: I am a unique case. Due to
thyroid problems and food allergies, I am incredibly skinny and this has
always been a great problem for me. It made me feel very unsecure as a
teenager. There is no way I could put on weight. I was hoping in
pregnancy but this only resulted in further weight loss… A complete
nightmare! As I mentioned, ballet is discipline. You must eat healthily
if you want to perform well. I do eat healthily to feel well and dance
as well as I can. However, I obviously don’t diet nor I feel I am doing
anything wrong when I eat up a whole bag of my favourite sweets. Ooops,
perhaps I shouldn’t have confessed that…
Q: If so, does it come naturally to you or you are that way for a specific reason?
A: Both. I was taught by my
parents that eating healthily is important so I have never had to make
an effort to do it. Feeling well is my specific reason.
Q: Would you like to try juice cleanse or any other cleanse plans?
A: Why not. Only on the condition that it won’t make me lose weight, though!
Q: What is your philosophy for a healthy and happy life, and how intrinsic is detoxing to this?
A: I may dare say that I am a
happy person. Probably, being healthy is one of the reasons why I feel
happy. There would be nothing worse for me than being unwell and
therefore unable to do all the things I like. Anything that could
support my long-term health is helpful, including detoxing.
Q: Are there any foods you wouldn’t eat?
A: No, not at all. There is
nothing I wouldn’t eat, except what I am allergic to. I am originally
Italian, so appreciating healthy food is simply second nature.
Q: What is an ideal daily menu for a ballet dance?
A: I don’t have a ballet menu. I
follow what I have been taught by my parents and by the fitness-related
studies I completed. A good balance of carbohydrates, protein, fruit and
vegetables, fluids and some nice comfort food.
Your body continues to detoxify and cleanse during the post-cleansing
period. Any toxins that have accumulated in your body will tend to be
swept out by natural fibre from the fruits and vegetables. Our Post-Detox Adaptation
package provides you with:
Probiotics: healthy bowel conditions, reducing the toxic load on the
liver as the bad bacteria generate toxins (the liver has to break them
Digestive enzymes: ads digestion and prepares your body for cooked food
Spirulina: 10 vitamins, 8 minerals, and 18 amino acids and beneficial
enzymes. It contains a complete protein of 65-71% (12-15 times more
protein than steak) and is 5 times easier to digest than meat or soy
protein. It also helps reduce weight and with many allergies.
We are delighted to introduce our new cleanse edition – Reset Days! Similar to intermittent fasting idea, the essence behind our Reset Day is very simple: you drink our tasty, freshly cold-pressed juices and take natural supplements daily to support your main detoxification organs.
Based on the work of leading
scientists from around the world, this is a new alternative to standard
dieting. By implementing one or two Reset Days per week into your
lifestyle, you give your digestion system a rest, lose weight, achieve a
great control of your cravings and, most importantly, reset and improve
on your eating habits.
Just time for spring, why not get in
shape, energised and enjoy a wide range of potential health benefits
too. Studies of intermittent fasting show that not only do people see
improvements in blood pressure and their cholesterol levels, but also in
their insulin sensitivity.
Celebrities, models & athletes,
including model/actress Suki Waterhouse and Lauren Goodger, are amongst
the many satisfied fans of our Reset Days juice cleansing.
Depending on the type of Reset Day, you will receive:
- 4 Freshly prepared, organic, cold-pressed juices (500ml/bottle per day)
- 1 Potassium Broth or 1 Cleansing Miso Soup (500ml/bottle per delivery)
- Post-cleanse treat (differs every month)
- Raw Alkaline Soups
- A set of natural cleanse and detox supplements
- Comprehensive pre/during/post-cleanse guidelines
You can either try our 1-day Reset Day every few weeks or extend it to a full juice cleanse plan.
Please contact our Team at or 020 7720 2131 to assist you in selecting the best Reset Day for your needs.

Last day of my Purifyne Cleanse. Feeling fresh, energized and my skin
has a lovely glow. The best and easiest at home detox I've done, even
while working and moving house. Look out for my blog next week for a day
to day breakdown of the cleanse xxx