Thursday 23 June 2011

Louise's Success story with Purifyne

Fashion and Detox go hand in hand. Don't take our word for it, follow the link to read more what Louise Carter, Head of Events at British Fashion Council and also happens to be Purifyne's returning client says about her experience with our Detox Plans.

Louise Carter, Head of Events, British Fashion Council, June 2011

"For those of you that have a busy day to day I thoroughly recommend Purifyne. It takes the stress out of detoxifying, with no preparation or ingredients to go and buy from the supermarket it makes it a pleasurable way to cleanse your body and give you a head start to healthy eating and lifestyle. I have done Purifyne 3 times in the last year and each time I do it, I look forward to feeling full of energy and revitalized after the 3 days of juices and the cleansing programme."

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