Monday 20 June 2011

Bikini Body Ready

Summer is upon us and the Beach Season is just around the corner. Purifyne is pleased to introduce our new Bespoke Plus Detox Plans for your ultimate Bikini Body Ready.

Our new Bespoke Plus Detox is an excellent method to achieve lean, toxins and cellulite-free body. With some help of the below ingredients you can enjoy Bikini Body Ready this summer

• Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs): appetite suppressant, fat burner and skin cells improver

• Spirulina: appetite controller, fat burner etc.

• Chlorella: cleansing agent with the highest source of Chlorophyll and other antioxidants

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs):

There is a direct correlation between the lack of EFAs and the appearance of cellulite. Incorporating Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) into our Bespoke Plus Detox, the plan concentrates on improving skin structure by strengthening and keeping the “structural framework" of the skin cells supple and elastic.

By providing ‘good fats’ to the body, EFAs assist in suppressing appetite, decreasing unhealthy cravings, burning more calories and, ultimately, losing weight.


The blue green alga has a direct effect on the brain's satiety centre and represents an excellent aid to appetite control and fat loss. Spirulina is superfoods with easy digested protein (12-15 times more protein than steak), high in EFAs and the highest level of beta-carotene and chlorophyll. Both help to boost collagen and enable the body to make Vitamin A.


A natural ‘whole food’, this "green miracle" alga is used as an anti-ageing food and supplement. Chlorella provides the highest source of Chlorophyll, one of the most cleansing agents and assists the body in fighting against free radicals by energising it with antioxidants, multi-vitamins and minerals. Free radicals rob our body from healthy cells and are the main triggers for ageing fast.

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