Great for detoxification, Apples contain high levels of pectin, a natural gelling agent. Pectin helps to eliminate toxins, soften old waste matter and clean colon http://www.purifyne.com/colon-cleansing.php
Aiding the digestive process, Carrots help the function more effectively: insoluble fibre adds bulk to the stools as well as softening them, helping waste matter to move through the intestinal tract http://www.purifyne.com/our-juices.php
Excellent for cleansing the body, lemon juice is both antiseptic and antibacterial. It assists in eliminating bacteria in the digestive tract. Drink a glass of warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice in first thing in the morning to boost your digestive system.
Being natural cleanser, Grapes help to ease constipation and keep the bowels working efficiently. They also contain plenty of vitamins, minerals, fibre and manganese. Eat them in the morning to kickstart the body’s natural cleansing process.
Green vegetables
Watercress, lettuce, spinach, broccoli etc. are great source of chlorophyll which is paramount ingredient for strengthening the cell walls of the small intestine and colon. Freshly vegetable juice – spinach, cucumber, celery, fennel – are excellent way of getting more chlorophyll directly into your blood stream http://www.purifyne.com/our-juices.php
Boosts circulation and strengthens the immune system, Garlic (and Onion) have Surphur which helps to eliminate metallic toxins from the body.
Green tea
A great detoxifier, Green tea is rich in Vitamin C and Antioxidants (helps to fight free radical damage). It helps digestion process, slows down ageing and combat disease.
A tonic used to strengthen a digestive tract: have warm water with grated Ginger with some lemon juice and honey before dinner.
A great kidney detoxifier, Parsley also facilitates oxygen metabolism.
A great kidney detoxifier, Parsley also facilitates oxygen metabolism.
The spice helps to eliminate toxic material through sweat and acts as a blood purifier.
The spice has antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal qualities. It also acts as a blood purifier.
Acting as a natural laxative (used mostly in tea form), Fennel relieves flatulence and colic. It helps to sterilise the gastrointestinal tract.
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