Monday, 28 February 2011

What to do when you feel hungry during juice detox plan:

The most important aspect of being on detox is to stay hydrated. This is also the key to not feeling hungry during the first 2-3 days while on juice detox. You will be always encouraged not to leave big gaps between your drinks and consume as much water, coconut water, herbal teas etc. as you possibly can. The following steps herbal supplement and drinks can be taken to minimise a possible feeling of hunger.

1. Take additional Psyllium Husk: Not only does this natural Soluble fibre absorbs toxins in a sponge-like manner but it also expands rapidly (once in the intestines) providing you with a feeling of being full for quite a while.

2. Have some warm water with honey: Warm water tends to be more filling than cold. Adding some honey (glucose) will curb your hunger.

3. Have some additional Coconut water: The water is the most naturally nutritious and hydrating drink in the world. Rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and living enzymes, coconut water has a slightly sweet flavour which helps in keeping you fuller for longer.

4. Warm detox broth: It is very easy to prepare, keeps you warm and, most importantly, fill you up. What is more, this nutritious drink provides your body with vital minerals which assists your body with detoxification process.

Recipe: Warm Detox Broth

Any root vegetables (2 Serves):

• 2-3 Carrots

• 1 Beetroot

• 2 Celery

• 1 Parsnip

• ½ Cabbage/Broccoli/Cauliflower

• 2 Potatoes

Leafy Greens:

• Spinach (handful), Chard, Leeks, Watercress, Bok Choy, Kale

Other ingredients can include:

• Asparagus

• All sprouts

• Sliced ginger root (peel the skin and cut it in small pieces)

• Garlic (1 clove)

• Onion

• Parsley, Coriander and herbs (e.g. turmeric, dandelion, sarsaparilla)
Preparation instructions:

Fill a saucepan with a litre of water. Add in a selection of fresh vegetables (see above). Bring the water to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes, letting the steam cook the vegetables and release the nutrients into the water. Strain the water from the saucepan into a bowl, add in some herbs for flavour (ginger, turmeric, paprika, cayenne pepper) and drink it.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Detoxification imbalance

To eliminate stored fat cells forever, biochemical and energetic balance in your body must be re-established. This imbalance is one of the key causes of fat to accumulate in the first place.
Leading to toxins accumulation, Detoxification imbalance makes losing weight especially difficult. Some toxins can even act as hormones in the body and cause additional fat to build up.
By effectively cleansing toxins from your body ( ), you will experience a metabolic rate and energy level increase, a dramatic decrease in cravings, headaches and amount of sleep. Most of these factors are vital in maintaining a healthy weight level for years to come.
Once your liver receives ‘a holiday’ from detoxifying an overloaded with toxins body, it starts performing its vital function in a much efficient way i.e. detoxifying any residual toxins together with previously stored fat cells. Therefore, detoxification of your body is of a paramount importance for not only a weight loss but an overall well-being.


• Weight gain despite not overeating

• Skin problems e.g. acne, rosacea etc.

• Decreasing tolerance to alcohol and caffeine

• Regular stuffy nose and congestion

Foods that help:

• Brown rice, gluten free oats, millet, quinoa

• Dark green and root vegetables, chillies, garlic

• Fruit, lemon

• Wheat grass juice, lemon juice

• Aloe Vera

• Seeds

Foods that harm:

• Caffeine, alcohol

• Artificial chemicals, sweeteners, preservatives, additives

• Dairy products

• Processed foods

• Barbecued or chargrilled meat

• Refined, gluten and grains: wheat, barley, spelt, kamut, rye

• Sugar, syrups, honey

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Promotional Campaign: Winner announcement

Purifyne is pleased to announce the winner of our promotional campaign ‘Win a 7-day Juice Detox Plan’ that took place in January and February 2011.
The winner is Mr. Tahir Yahya from Maidenhead. Mr. Yahya is due to start his Detox Plan within the next 6 month.
Purifyne will be closely following Mr. Yahya’s progress during his 7-day Detox Plan.

Purifyne Success Story

Clelia P., 29, Banker, Pimlico, Feb 2011

“I felt great during a weekend detox: slept very well (11 hours in a row) which is quite rare for me. Surprisingly I had no cravings at all, the juices were delightful and I felt full of energy all the time with no headache or tiredness. I have also lost 2.2 lbs in a weekend. The cleaning process didn’t disrupt my daily routine i.e. going out etc. I am now seriously considering undertaking a 3-5-day detox plan next time.”

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Success Story of the month: February 2011

Miranda G., 27, Founder of and Yoga teacher, Notting Hill

‘I have done several juice fasts, what makes Purifyne ( ) different are the extra details - the supplements, the enema option, the advice to make a 'mineral broth' and the addition of coconut water. Their daily tips are inspiring and practical. I felt supported and looked after throughout my juice fast, and would certainly recommend them.’

Monday, 7 February 2011

Valentine's Special Offer

Any couple, relatives, friends and business associate can take advantage of our Valentine’s Special Promotion

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with 15% off any of our Juice Detox Plans ( delivered to the same address. Please enter a promotional code PURI15PC at the time of booking.

The Special Offer only applies when 2 people order the detox plan at the same time and to the same delivery address.

Natural cleansers

Whether you would like to improve your energy levels, cleanse your liver or just improve your overall diet, it is a good idea to introduce into your daily eating routine some foods with natural cleansing qualities. The below will help to cleanse your colon and maintain a healthy digestive system:
Great for detoxification, Apples contain high levels of pectin, a natural gelling agent. Pectin helps to eliminate toxins, soften old waste matter and clean colon

Aiding the digestive process, Carrots help the function more effectively: insoluble fibre adds bulk to the stools as well as softening them, helping waste matter to move through the intestinal tract

Excellent for cleansing the body, lemon juice is both antiseptic and antibacterial. It assists in eliminating bacteria in the digestive tract. Drink a glass of warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice in first thing in the morning to boost your digestive system.

Being natural cleanser, Grapes help to ease constipation and keep the bowels working efficiently. They also contain plenty of vitamins, minerals, fibre and manganese. Eat them in the morning to kickstart the body’s natural cleansing process.

Green vegetables
Watercress, lettuce, spinach, broccoli etc. are great source of chlorophyll which is paramount ingredient for strengthening the cell walls of the small intestine and colon. Freshly vegetable juice – spinach, cucumber, celery, fennel – are excellent way of getting more chlorophyll directly into your blood stream

Boosts circulation and strengthens the immune system, Garlic (and Onion) have Surphur which helps to eliminate metallic toxins from the body.

Green tea
A great detoxifier, Green tea is rich in Vitamin C and Antioxidants (helps to fight free radical damage). It helps digestion process, slows down ageing and combat disease.

A tonic used to strengthen a digestive tract: have warm water with grated Ginger with some lemon juice and honey before dinner.

A great kidney detoxifier, Parsley also facilitates oxygen metabolism.
The spice helps to eliminate toxic material through sweat and acts as a blood purifier.
The spice has antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal qualities. It also acts as a blood purifier.

Acting as a natural laxative (used mostly in tea form), Fennel relieves flatulence and colic. It helps to sterilise the gastrointestinal tract.