Sunday, 22 August 2010

The main causes and solution for feeling bloated

The causes of bloatiness are as follows:

• Diet:

o Particularly if someone has a high salt intake or eats a lot of gas-producing foods, such as dark leafy vegetables or beans.

o Calcium: calcium supplements can also cause gas in some people.

• Inhaling: a simple reflex of inhaling can be the cause of bloating; some people actually swallow more air in as a result of stress, or simply when they eat!

• Gum and smoking: Chewing on gum and smoking can also make you inhale more air, aggravating the discomfort. Avoid talking while you’re eating to prevent bloating.

• Food: one of the main causes of bloating and gas is food that doesn't get properly absorbed.
o Sorbitol contains in sugar-free gum which is not absorbed by the body.

o Milk (more specifically milk sugar or lactose) is another culprit that our body isn't necessarily engineered to digest.

o Fructose, the sugar in fruit, is equally not well tolerated by some people.

o Desserts: many of them are prepared with very rich, creamy products that contain a lot of lactose. They’re often irresistible, but try to avoid dairy altogether for a few days, and see if your symptoms change.

o Fruit and vegetables: consuming raw cauliflower and broccoli could result in bloatiness as body doesn't have the right enzymes to digest completely. This feeds bacteria and results in more gas and flatulence.

The bottom line is our digestive system simply cannot process everything, and you are the only one to know your limitations. Not respecting them and consuming ingredients that are harmful to you will result in undigested food fermenting in the intestines, where bacteria will feed on it and produce more gas.
Some solutions:

• Diet:

o Try to eliminate some types of foods from your daily diet in order to see how your body feels without them: junk foods, dairy, certain more acidic fruit (oranges, mandarins etc), wheat,

o Use less salt and drink more water

o Have a glass of warm water before meals: take only little sips. Do not drink during any meals to avoid being bloating.

o Incorporate Celery into your daily diet as it contains sodium and potassium needed for water balance

o Have

a. Chicory which contains prebiotics that feeds the good bacteria in the gut

b. Miso which contains enzymes to aid proper digestion

c. Raw sauerkraut for enzymes and beneficial bacteria to aid digestion

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Constipation - common causes and solutions

Constipation occurs when the colon absorbs too much water or if the colon’s muscle contractions are slow or sluggish causing the stool to move through the colon too slowly. As a result, stools can become hard and dry.

Common causes of constipation are:
• Lack of fibre

• Dehydration

• Lack of physical activity (especially in the elderly)

• Medications: antibiotics

• Abuse of laxatives

• Milk

• Changes in life or routine such as pregnancy, ageing and travel

• Ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement

Causes directly related to health:
• Irritable bowel syndrome

• Specific diseases or conditions, such as stroke (most common)

• Problems with the colon and rectum

• Problems with intestinal function (chronic idiopathic constipation)

Here are some simple and practical steps that you can introduce into your diet to beat constipation for good:

• Start your day with loads of water and fibre:

o Warm water with lemon before having breakfast

o Raw fruit (soluble fibre/digestive enzymes) with soaked in water overnight prunes, apricots

o Bran cereal/grains (Quanoi, Millet, Buckwheat, Barley) with soya/ goat’s/ rice milk (try to eliminate cow milk for a short while and see if things improve)

o Have some prunes/apricots soaked over night with your cereal

o Continue drinking warm water with lemon while having your cereal/grains

o Have some Linseed brown, Sunflower, Pumpkin seeds with your cereal/grains

o Eat more raw green vegetables (digestive enzymes), onion, chicory (has Inulin (fibre))

o Take Psyllium Husk in addition to your daily fibre intake twice a day

o Take one tablespoonful of olive oil in the morning and one tablespoonful an hour after dinner. You can mix it with juice for better taste.

• Increase the level of good bacteria in your gut:

o Probiotics: Acidophilus (with 100mg Pectin)

• Drink more water, warm water with lemon, herbal teas, still mineral water (not sparkling or fizzy drinks that full of sugar)

• Cleanse your colon: enema, colon hydrotherapy, Colosan powder , Lepicol supplement

• Start exercising on a regular basis (if you are not doing it already)

• Use natural laxative: Senna, Pu’erh tea (2-3 cups a day)

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

The Juice Detox Diet Programmes Delivered to your Door


11th August 2010
In addition to the existing Weight-Loss Detox Programme, Purifyne today launches two new detox programmes: Bride-to-be Detox and Weekend Detox.
Bride-to-be Detox is for future brides who want to shed un-wanted pounds, improve their skin and increase energy levels before their wedding. Delivered directly to your home or office, the programme makes you slender and look younger after just a few days. The duration of the programmes vary between five and fourteen days and prices range from £345.00 to £550.00.
Weekend Detox is for busy individuals living and working in London. Many people want to get healthy, but simply don’t have the time during the working week. Purifyne detox provides an opportunity to boost your metabolic rate and get energised in preparation for the busy week ahead. The duration of programmes vary between one weekend and four weekends and prices range from £155.00 to £335.00.
The prices for Weight-Loss Detox range from £79.00 to £475.00

Acting as a meal replacement, 100% natural juices form the basis of the programmes and represent a natural eliminator of toxins. They supply vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and photochemicals to boost and strengthen your health. The programme includes naturally based supplements and nutrients and participants are supplied with support and motivation throughout each individually tailored programme.
The key benefits include weight loss, improvement of effective functioning of all major organs, strengthening of your immune system, damaged cells are repaired and you will experience improved well-being. Your skin will glow, your energy and vitality will increase, your sleep pattern and digestion will improve and stress levels and cravings will decrease.
The bespoke Purifyne Detox programmes are a natural and effective way of internal cleansing, which will in turn energise and revitalise your body. The programmes provide a life-changing experience by revolutionising your ‘long-term relationship’ with food, your body and health.
To find out more visit the Purifyne website
Notes to editors

For further information contact Irina Janik on either 07793 561 297/ 020 7722 8027 or
Images of the products and of the founder of Purifyne are available upon request. Samples of Purifyne bespoke fruit and vegetable juices are also available upon request.
About Purifyne Ltd.

Purifyne Limited is a body juice detox company founded on 21st October 2009 and registered under the following address: 28 Old Brompton Road, Number 318, South Kensington, London, SW7 3SS

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Major benefits of juice detox programme

Juice detox is arguably one of the most effective ways of not only preventing ageing process and losing weight in a natural manner but also strengthening your overall health (
• There are many ways in which juice detox can make you more beautiful: weight loss, improved complexion, stronger nails, shinier hair etc.

• Freshly squeezed juices act as a natural eliminator of toxins as well as supply vitamins, minerals and nutrients to strengthen one’s health. These juices contain antioxidants, a nature’s secret weapon against ageing. Antioxidants enable to eliminate free radicals, which contributes to wrinkles, sagging skin, loss of muscle tone, age spots and the onset of age-related diseases.

Weight loss:
• By effectively cleansing toxins from your body, you will experience a metabolic rate and energy level increase, a dramatic decrease in cravings, headaches and amount of sleep. Most of these factors are vital in maintaining a healthy weight level for years to come.

• Once your liver receives ‘a holiday’ from detoxifying, often, your overloaded with toxins body, it starts performing its vital function in a much efficient way i.e. detoxifying any residual toxins together with previously stored fat cells. Therefore, detoxification of your body is of a paramount importance for not only a weight loss but an overall well-being.

Digestive system:
• Since juices act as a meal replacement, your digestive system receives much needed rest from your usual diets that often high in trans and saturated fats, caffeine and additives, wheat and gluten etc. This healthy break rejuvenates all major organs: liver, kidney, lungs.

Overall health:
• Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices also contain phytochemicals which help to remove from your body radioactive (carcinogens), cancer causing substances and protect DNA cells.

Monday, 2 August 2010

Acai Berry Fruit as a Weight Loss Supplement

Grows in the rainforests of the Amazon, Acai is the fruit of a palm tree that the Brazilians call "The Tree of Life". The dark purple skin of the fruit holds the treasure as it contains the anthocyanins, a powerful antioxidant that prevents from cancer, ageing and neurological diseases, inflammation, diabetes, bacterial infection etc. (according to researchers at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro).

The fruit is most known as a weight loss supplement (now is in the Purifyne Programmes A and B ). The major benefits of the Acai Berries are:

• Increases a metabolic rate due to a very large amount of antioxidants (substances, which prevent oxidative stress and cell damage)

• Leads to faster fat breakdown

• Increases energy levels

• Fights fatigue

• Reduces the ageing process and helps cell recovery

• Decreases cholesterol levels

• Protects the immune system
Combined, these effects make the process of losing weight faster and easier without any side effects usually associated with synthetic chemicals. Many research papers suggest that eating a diet high in antioxidants is the key to a successful weight loss.

The evidence of nutritional and health benefits:

• 100-gram serving contains only 90 calories: two grams of fat and no cholesterol

• Vitamins: B, C and E

• 3.5 grams of dietary fibre

• Antioxidant concentrations in the fruit are well outweigh blueberries’

o Higher levels of anthocyanins than in red wine

o Phytosterols

o Other phenolics & phyto-nutrients etc.

• Minerals: potassium, copper, manganese

• Omega-3 fatty acids

• Omega-6 fatty acids

• Omega-9 fatty acids

• 19 Amino acids

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Tips on how to boost your metabolism – part I

• Purifyne detox : once your liver receives much needed rest, it starts performing its vital function in a much efficient way i.e. detoxifying any residual toxins together with previously stored fat cells. By effectively cleansing your body from toxins you will also increase your metabolic rate, energy, decrease in cravings etc.

• Vitamins/antioxidants:

o Alpha lipoic acid (one of the most powerful antioxidant which is also responsible for preventing ageing process): take 200-600 mg daily.

o Kelp* (iodine: liquid/tablets): to support thyroid function. This should assist you with bringing up your metabolism and specifically oxidative metabolism

• Lean animal proteins (salmon, chicken): they help you to fuelled and burn calories

• Cut down on wheat and gluten: both can work as a hormone disrupter and later your appetite to increase cravings

• Dry brushing: do it before your bath, shower, exercise as lymphatic massages helps to stimulate metabolism and detoxify your body

• 5 small meals a day keep your weight at bay as micro-mealing doesn’t allow you to get too hungry between meals. By eating every few hours, you will keep your metabolism firing, your blood sugar stable and leave your body in a much better state to burn energy

• Sauna, steam rooms: both assist your body in mobilising stored fat, which becomes water soluble around 42 degrees and then expelled from your body via sweat

What to do during your ‘Pre-Detox Phase’

To maximise the benefits of your detox programme, Purifyne ( ) suggests you implement the following changes in a Pre-Cleansing Phase of your daily routine:

• Introduce a glass of warm water with lemon before breakfast into your morning routine. This enables your digestive system to wake up efficiently and encourages initial release of toxins.

• To achieve a more intense cleansing effect with ‘a simple glass of water with lemon’ on your body is to add to it a teaspoon of honey, a dash of vinegar and a small pinch of cayenne pepper.

• Reduce all those delicious indulgences: wheat, dairy, coffee, sugar, high fat foods, alcohol, bad fats and red meat.

• Introduce an extra fresh fruit and vegetable juices, greens and vegetables in your daily diet

• Avoid having a big dinner the night before you start otherwise the initial side-effects of your 1st day cleanse may become more intense.

• Do more intense detoxifying exercises daily prior to your detox: jogging, swimming, yoga. The whole-body exercise is great for eliminating toxins even without embarking on a detox programme.

• Work on your mind set. It is as important, in some cases even more so, as the physical preparation of your body before the cleansing. Remember the saying: ‘Deal with your mind and the body will follow’.