Friday 13 December 2013

December Treat - Festive Delight Juice

To celebrate upcoming festive season, we have created a special Festive Delight Juice. The treat will be delivered to all clients who are on their cleanse in December. 

Made of red grapefruit, apple, ginger, raw cacao and cinnamon, the juice is perfect for enhancing weight loss, cellulite reduction (due to grapefruit’s quality), improve blood circulation (due to ginger root) and so tasty giving this wonderful festive feeling!


1 comment:

  1. I recommend juice fast. Fasting may also be included with a detox diet. However, it is important for one to participate in this activity in moderation. Fasting will accelerate the detoxification process, but it should not be done for more than three days.

    Goji Berry Juice
