Tuesday 21 August 2012

Nutritional Super-Combos

We read a lot about superfoods health benefits and their effect on our body. The recent study in Journal of Nutrition has found that certain foods become healthier and more beneficial for body nutrients’ absorption when eaten together.

Vitamin C and Iron: Iron deficiency is one of the main cause of irritability and lack of energy. Vitamin C helps the body to absorb Iron more efficiently.

Vitamin C-rich: Lemon, Oranges, Kale, Spinach, Broccoli 
Iron-rich: Red meat, Eggs (Yolks especially), Oily fish, beans and dark green, leafy vegetables


·         Rocket salad and squeezed lemon

Vitamin D and Calcium: The vast majority of the population in the UK are Vitamin D deficient which is required by the body to absorb Calcium.

·         Vitamin D-rich: Oily fish (Sardines and Salmon), Eggs and fortified Cereals
·         Calcium-rich: Dairy, Dark Green and Leafy vegetables


·         Poached eggs and spinach: Vitamin D in the eggs helps your body absorb the calcium in the Greens.

Vitamin A and Zinc: Having Vitamin A-rich foods together with foods high in Zinc increases the absorption of the skin-friendly Vitamin A.

·         Vitamin A-rich Oily fish, Yoghurt and Milk
·         Zinc-rich Beef, Pumpkin seeds and Oats

Lycopene and Healthy Fat: Foods high in Lycopene eaten with healthy fat increase your body’s uptake of Lycopene, an antioxidant that protect against some cancers.

·         Lycopene-rich Carrots, Tomatoes
·         Healthy fat Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Other healthy Super-Combos

Red wine and salmon: A glass of red wine eaten with Salmon can boost our uptake of Omega-3s.

Salads and avocado: The salads components – lettuce, carrots, spinach – are superfoods in themselves containing a powerful antioxidants called Lutein*. Combining the ingredients with avocado increases your body’s absorption of Lutein by 5 times due to the healthy fats it contains.

*It protects eye and heart health and improves your complexion.

Carrot and coriander soup and buttered crusty bread: The fat in the butter will help your body absorb the antioxidant Lycopene from the carrots.

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