Thursday, 23 August 2012

Roos van Montfort, a Dutch model, is one of the most loyal clients of Purifyne Juice Cleanse and advocates of healthy living. She is also now the new Victoria’s Secret model! Congratulations Roos, we are so proud of you!!! Xxx

Day 1: Purifyne Cleanse by London Vegan Ballerina

Day 1: A 16-day PurifyneCleanse by one of our client, London’s ballerina – a very interesting and honest account of cleansing process and benefits of it.

This morning I weighed 62.3kg; body fat percentage 28.7%. It'll be interesting to see how these numbers change everyday.

I woke up feeling as usual: tired, moody, and needing at least 3 hours more sleep... My juice package was due to arrive at around 9am, so I had some hot lemon water as suggested and did a session of dry skin-brushing. Feeling a bit more alive now, I proceeded to get some work done, and before long, the delivery arrived.

Inside were: 8 bottles of fresh juice (2 days' supply), 1 small bottle each of coconut water and aloe vera juice, a Daily Routine Summary, some sachets of cinnamon powder, ginger powder, psyllium husk, and green superfoods powder to be mixed with juice, chamomile tea-bags for enema, liver support capsules, bentonite clay capsules, essential fatty acids capsules (all 7 days' supply), one Enema kit, and 1 sisal body buffer. Whew! It's quite a list!! Here's how I got on today:

9.30 am
My first juice! Apple, beetroot, carrot and ginger, with 1 tsp each of Green Superfoods powder and psyllium husk mixed in. I was pretty hungry, so I finished this quite quickly. The juice tasted refreshing, and not too sweet, and it filled me up too. Soon after, I had some natural bowel movement and decided to skip the morning enema. New discovery: I don't need to eat a huge breakfast, (read: drink a litre of smoothie) to feel full.

My second juice. Apple, ginger, parsley, and spinach, this time with no powders added. This was my favourite combination. I also had a shot glass of the aloe vera juice. I should mention that I told Purifyne I don't like pears, cucumbers or mint in my juices, so these aren't likely to appear in the ingredients list - thank goodness! It's nice to be able to omit things you really don't like from the juices, instead of having to pinch your nose and down it in one. B-)

4.30 pm

It is so strange not to have to think about what to eat at all. As for cravings, I have none at the moment, and although I felt colder than usual when I went out in the dismal weather, it might just have been a colder-than-usual day. My third juice contained melon, red pepper, celery, and ginger, with 1 tsp of psyllium husk. Not one of my favourite combinations, but it was fine. I don't spend any time cooking, preparing, eating and washing up, so I'm getting so much more things done!

7.00 pm

At 6.30 pm, I had a mug of herbal tea to revive myself from the cold weather outside. Now for my last juice of the day: beetroot, carrot, celery, and ginger. I added some cinnamon powder to this juice, which totally transformed the flavour and I really enjoyed it! I've never been much of a cinnamon-fan, but it makes a really great addition to a juice.
8.30 pm
I took my first enema. I'm going to go to bed early today - feeling sleepy already.

Onward to Day 2!

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Nutritional Super-Combos

We read a lot about superfoods health benefits and their effect on our body. The recent study in Journal of Nutrition has found that certain foods become healthier and more beneficial for body nutrients’ absorption when eaten together.

Vitamin C and Iron: Iron deficiency is one of the main cause of irritability and lack of energy. Vitamin C helps the body to absorb Iron more efficiently.

Vitamin C-rich: Lemon, Oranges, Kale, Spinach, Broccoli 
Iron-rich: Red meat, Eggs (Yolks especially), Oily fish, beans and dark green, leafy vegetables


·         Rocket salad and squeezed lemon

Vitamin D and Calcium: The vast majority of the population in the UK are Vitamin D deficient which is required by the body to absorb Calcium.

·         Vitamin D-rich: Oily fish (Sardines and Salmon), Eggs and fortified Cereals
·         Calcium-rich: Dairy, Dark Green and Leafy vegetables


·         Poached eggs and spinach: Vitamin D in the eggs helps your body absorb the calcium in the Greens.

Vitamin A and Zinc: Having Vitamin A-rich foods together with foods high in Zinc increases the absorption of the skin-friendly Vitamin A.

·         Vitamin A-rich Oily fish, Yoghurt and Milk
·         Zinc-rich Beef, Pumpkin seeds and Oats

Lycopene and Healthy Fat: Foods high in Lycopene eaten with healthy fat increase your body’s uptake of Lycopene, an antioxidant that protect against some cancers.

·         Lycopene-rich Carrots, Tomatoes
·         Healthy fat Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Other healthy Super-Combos

Red wine and salmon: A glass of red wine eaten with Salmon can boost our uptake of Omega-3s.

Salads and avocado: The salads components – lettuce, carrots, spinach – are superfoods in themselves containing a powerful antioxidants called Lutein*. Combining the ingredients with avocado increases your body’s absorption of Lutein by 5 times due to the healthy fats it contains.

*It protects eye and heart health and improves your complexion.

Carrot and coriander soup and buttered crusty bread: The fat in the butter will help your body absorb the antioxidant Lycopene from the carrots.