Sunday 29 July 2012

Purifyne Success Story of the Month: Donna Coulling, Celebrity PA, July 2012

We often write about the benefits of our Juice cleanse and not so often about the journey that our clients are going through to reach their goals and ultimate benefits. One of our clients, Donna Coulling (Celebrity PA to Helena Bonham Carter, Rachel Weisz, Sir Derek Jacobi and Samuel West) who has just completed her Purifyne Juice Cleanse in July is

“I hope this also finds you well. Thank you so much for the cleanse, it really was one of the toughest things I have done and I was forever battling with myself to throw in the towel as the hunger sometimes felt unbearable, however I am happy to report that I did see it through to the end. It was absolutely a roller coaster ride, a love/hate relationship - I loved not having to think what I wanted to eat and having you make fresh and deliver the juices for me made it so much easier had I opted for a 'cleanse book diet' per se as I probably wouldn't have made through the first day. I hated that I was completely obsessed with the smell of food around me and not having coffee I thought would kill me off! I was worried that i wouldn't sleep as I don't usually if I go to bed hungry but I have slept so well since starting the cleanse. My bloating has gone, my clothes are definitely more comfortable to wear and since starting the post-cleanse I am more aware of what I am putting into my body, I am chewing everything until it practically disappears (whereas before I would wolf it down). 

Now I am in New York for the week, thankfully, I am surrounded by wholefoods which are making my life easier whilst easing myself into eating again: I have my 6 year old daughter taste-testing cupcakes for me as strangely I don't really want any.... WHAT HAPPENED TO ME??!

With all best wishes!”

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