Monday, 11 April 2011

9 ways easy ways to add spring-fit food

1. Rye bread: Choose rye bread instead of white, brown or wholegrain when you make your sandwiches.

2. Spinach in pasta: Add to any pasta – it automatically reduces the portion of pasta you have on your plate. Spinach is a great source of iron (important for your energy levels).

3. Brown pasta: Go for brown pasta instead of white.

4. Watercress: Sprinkle watercress in powder wherever you can (oatcakes with a tablespoon of cottage cheese), great detoxifier and energiser.

5. Natural yogurt: Have some natural yogurt with a bit of honey, handful of strawberries, mango, apricots

6. Digestive mix: Take a teaspoon of “digestive mix” after each meal: great way of help your digestion.

7. Lamb’s liver: Swap traditional sausages mash with lamb’s liver and mash: liver is high in Iron, Vitamin A, B6 and B12.

8. Artichoke: Have some roasted artichoke. You can also squeeze lemon juice over them and have them baked.

9. Olives: Eating out? Order some olives instead of bread before your meal as they are great sources of monosaturated fat and vitamin E.

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