Friday 10 December 2010

Survive the Christmas bloat

The festive season is just around the corner. To help you to survive the party season and beat the Christmas bloat, we have prepared a ‘mini-survival’ guide.
Follow the below tips and you will indulge in festive treats with no guilt and with clear head:
While drinking:

• Water is the key: drink a glass of it for every glass of wine or any other alcohol

While at the table:

• Choose fish and white meat over beef and pork

• Have some seasonal veggies: carrots, parsnips, turnips, kale

• Choose organic (if possible)

Post-party (if you still manage to have a hangover):

• Have some warm water with lemon every morning: great to wake up your digestion and helps with flushing toxins from the night before.

• Drop Paracetamol (which can damage the liver) in favour of Ginger, Ginseng or Milk Thistle – great to combat nausea, keep energy levels up and detoxify the body

• Have additional Vitamin C: It helps fight a hangover by assisting the body in glutathione production, a liver compound that drives toxins away from the body.

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