Monday, 27 September 2010

Indigestion: its causes and solutions

An increasing number of our clients list indigestion as one of the reasons for detox. The vast majority of us experience this uncomfortable condition on a regular basis and do nothing about it. In the below article we highlight some potential causes and steps to rectify them to allow you to feel better and lead a more energetic life.
Indigestion is a discomfort caused by eating and/or overeating.
Symptoms: burping, flatulence and heartburn.


• Overeating

• Eating foods high in fat

• Excess or deficient stomach acid

• Eating too quickly and not chewing properly

Action plan:

Learn to listen to your body as a general rule, especially, before a meal as there may be some foods that do not agree with your system at that particular time. Pay attention to what you eat and when and the way you eat and you may find that the main symptoms of indigestion will disappear.

• Pear and Peach

• Powdered ginger with some squeezed lime/lemon

• Banana blended with pear or mango juice

• Apple cider vinegar (digestive tonic). Add some to a glass of warm water and sip slowly before meals

• Miso soup, whole grains

• Fresh vegetables and fruit to reduce wind:

o Diuretic superfoods: Asparagus, Celery, Watermelon, Parsley, Coriander. These will help you to clean your intestines

o Pineapple and Papaya: both contain digestive enzymes

o Umeboshi Plums are known as the Japanese Alka-Seltzer

o Apples, Carrots, five to ten unsalted, raw almonds or sucking on peppermint sweet (i.e. candy): known for neutralising stomach acid

• To prevent heartburn:

o Chewing on raw Ginger (or take prepared ginger tablets)

o Have some raisins (soak them in the water over night) before ingesting foods that usually trigger indigestion symptoms.


• A mixture of water and a small amount of baking soda: it neutralises excess stomach acid and relieves the pain of heartburn and indigestion.

• To prevent heartburn:

o Drinking a shot glass of Aloe Vera juice

Herbs and Supplements:

• Peppermint, camomile, fennel and thyme teas

• Aloe Vera juice (a shot glass)

• L-glutamine

• Gentiana root

• Betaine hydrochloric acid for acid reflux

• Essential oils such as peppermint, coriander, marjoram, and fennel can be diffused throughout your home or mixed with olive oil and applied to your abdomen (for heartburn release)


• Overeating and/or starving yourself

• Heavily spiced foods, junk and fried foods

• Caffeine, alcohol and fizzy drinks

• Rich, creamy foods, full-fat cheeses, wheat-based foods (increase stomach acid)

• Eating fruit straight after your meal as a dessert: do NOT eat them straight after high protein food (fish, chicken etc), bread, rice, potatoes.

• Lying down after a meal: this can allow acid and food particles from your stomach to travel back up through your oesophagus. Stay upright for at least two hours.

• Smoking, leading a sedentary lifestyle

• Eating too quickly

• Skimping on your daily water intake


• Have small but regular meals

• Eat fruit by themselves, separately from any meal

• Drink only warm liquids (no iced ones) before you eat and not during your meals

• Have some warm water with lemon every morning before your breakfast: add a teaspoon of honey, a dash of apple cider vinegar (digestive tonic) and a small pinch of cayenne pepper.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Lose up to 10lbs in 7-day Juice Detox*

Purifyne, a juice detox company, is offering a 1-day Detox worth £42.00 free of charge with purchasing a 7-day Juice Detox Programme.
Delivered directly to your home or office within Greater London, the Programme is designed for busy individuals to kick-start their healthy regime. Purifyne 7-day Detox Diet Plan makes you shed un-wanted pounds, boosts your metabolic rate, increase energy levels and decrease cravings after just a few days. The price of 7-day Programme is only £295.00.
Acting as a meal replacement, 100% natural, bespoke juices form the basis of the programme and represent a natural eliminator of toxins. The programme also includes natural, rich in antioxidants supplements and superfoods, support and motivation throughout each individually tailored programme.


Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Aloe Vera - the ultimate elixir of youth

Aloe Vera is the ultimate skin care treatment: it soothes, softens, moisturises and detoxifies. The juice helps maintain youthful looks and healthy skin. It also assists digestion, eases constipation and cleanses the bowel. It is regarded as one of the best cleansing and rejuvenating elixirs. Read more on how Karina Smirnoff, a professional dancer from ‘Dancing with the stars’ benefits from it:

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Purifyne Weekend by The Wharf newspaper

Read on what Louisa Emery, the Wharf paper's journalist, had to say about Purifyne Weekend detox programme. Louisa did her 1-weekeend programme with us in August and although it is one of the shortest detox programmes we have, the whole experience (in her own words) 'made her to think more about what she put into her body and the simplicity of the regime would encourage her to do it again...' . Find out more just by clicking on the below link:

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Tips on how to boost your metabolism – part II

• Herbal teas: Green tea: metabolic enhancer and natural diuretic, Pu'erh and Oolong teas: both are full of antioxidants and speed up metabolic system and burn fat cells
• Colonic/enema: It is vital to keep your colon clean for better function of your liver, digestion and metabolic systems etc.
• Thyroid disorder: Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland) and Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland) can slow down or speed up metabolism. Therefore, it is a good idea to check your thyroid function, especially, if you struggle to lose weight.
• Drink plenty of water: Your liver can mainly concentrate on body metabolism rather than water preservation. Therefore, do make sure you drink plenty of water.
• Drink iced water: epriving your body of water can encourage it to "hoard" rather than "burn". When your drink ice cold water, your body burns calories warming it to body temperature. More than 90% of the chemical reactions in your body occur in water, so make sure you drink an appropriate amount of water.
• Overeating forces the body to store fat by increasing your body fat percentage which in turn slows down your metabolism. Therefore, ‘less is more’! Have 5-6 small meals a day instead of 2-3 big ones.