Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Sunday breakfast alternative

Rich in immune-boosting nutrients, this green smoothie get its vibrant colour from chlorophyll, a nutrient-rich pigment found in all leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, celery and lettuce. It cleans the body of harmful toxins, oxygenates the blood and helps boost energy levels.

1½ cups water
1 head organic romaine lettuce, chopped
½ head of large bunch or ¾ of small bunch organic spinach
3–4 stalks organic celery
1 organic apple, cored and chopped
1 organic pear, cored and chopped
1 organic banana
Juice of ½ organic lemon

1/3 bunch organic coriander (stems okay)
1/3 bunch organic parsley (stems okay)

Add the water and chopped head of romaine and spinach to the blender. Starting the blender on a low speed, mix until it gets smooth.

Gradually moving to higher speeds, add the celery, apple and pear. Add the coriander and parsley if you choose. Add the banana and lemon juice last.

A Model Body for a Modern Woman

Written exclusively for Purifyne Cleanse clients by Dan Roberts Personal Trainer to Stars (By Vogue)

Exercise, Nutrition and Sleep are the 3 pillars on which a healthy body is built. These are the fundamentals to having your body feel, look and perform at it’s best. 
In this little exercise resource book developed exclusively for Purifyne clients I shall be going through some key concepts, practical tips and guidelines to help you achieve your personal best.
This guide draws upon my background of being the in-house Personal Trainer and Nutrition advisor to two international model agencies. The guide is simple to follow and explains a series of exercises, all of which I've used to help tone up, firm and sculpt some of the most recognized models and Hollywood actresses in show business today.

Exercise is movement
Exercise is not just running, stretching or lifting weights, it is anything that moves your body: from the synergy of fluid breath and movements of Qi Gong, to the endurance and skill of rock climbing. Exercise is just another name for moving.
You should also understand that exercise is your “real friend”! Apart from it helping you to look good, live longer, be more energetic, improve your mood, burn calories, move more gracefully and, most importantly, make your body and mind truly connect.
Genetics can only help so much and this will become increasingly apparent as you head towards your 30’s and over. The exercises in this booklet will help you to look lean, slender and healthy.

The benefits of regular exercise

Aesthetic – You can directly control your body composition (your muscle to fat ratio) through exercises: your body will slowly start losing its natural tone and definition if you don’t maintain a training regime, regardless of how well you eat and how regularly you cleanse.
Kinaesthetic Awareness – the more you exercise, the more you understand your body in relation to the pace around it. Think of a Ballerina or Kung Fu expert, they don’t trip or stumble when they walk, to the contrary, they have so much grace and fluidity. All of this can be taught, and the way you move can be trained: through posture, balance and movement training, and pro-perception exercises.
Energy – When you are ‘fit’ you have more energy because both your heart and lungs adapt to the stresses of exercise and they essentially become stronger and more efficient.  Energy is vital for our wellbeing, and getting energy naturally through fitness has no side effects.
Mental Health – When you exercise your “feel good” chemicals - endorphins – are released. Dopamine, a “happy” chemical – is also increased: this can most commonly be achieved through endurance training. The phenomena is also called ‘Runners High’ and this is one of the reasons why exercising can become addictive, in a good way though.
Stress Management – Short or long-term stress can cause your body to store calories as fat cells. In recent years there has been much more research on female responses to stress. The key thing is to remember that exercise helps distress. Studies suggest that group training is best when stressed out as it fulfils the biological need to ’befriend’.  
I recommend that you train daily if you want to achieve results quicker. Your training should be more intense on some days and less so on other days.  You should try to train 4 to 5 days a week for 45 minutes. For total fitness, within each week there should be a balance between the 5 types of exercises listed below:
  1. Aerobic awareness
  2. Flexibility awareness
  3. Kinaesthetic awareness
  4. Posture training
  5. Strength training

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

The royal baby has arrived! Why not celebrate it with the outstanding quality of unique, certified organic juices, combined with natural supplements. The perfect way to kick-start a healthy lifestyle by fasting, detoxifying and healing your body.

Exclusive Offer for Royal Names
Receive £25 OFF when booking any Cleanse plans before 31st August 2013.

If your name is one of the following: 
  • George or Georgina
  • Alexander or Alexandra
  • Louis, Louise or Louisa

The Offer can be completed any time before the end of 2013. To take advantage of the offer, please enter the promotional code BabyG25 when making your online booking.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Exclusive Colon Hydrotherapy Offer from the Hale Clinic

The Pure Detox Team at the Hale Clinic offers Purifyne Cleanse clients a Colon Hydrotherapy treatment special offer price of £75.00 (reduced from £90).

 Potential benefits:

·         Support Natural Detoxification and Elimination Pathways
·         Promote Healthy Weight
·         Optimise Skin Vitality
·         Promote Healthy Immunity
·         Optimal Digestion and Absorption
·         Encourage Healthy Energy Levels
This Offer must be completed by 31st August 2013
To take advantage of the offer, please book your colon hydrotherapy treatment at the Hale Clinic with one of the following colon therapists:
Kaori Murphy, Ros Morgan or Colette Heaton

Call 020 7631 0156 (M-Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 9am-5pm).

Please quote “Pure Detox Offer” when booking 

Travellers’ tips

Whether you are travelling or staying in the country this weekend, not only can the list of supplements below revive your digestive system but it can also increase your energy levels:

Tips No.1: Probiotics create healthy bowel conditions, reducing the toxic load on the liver as the bad bacteria generate toxins that the liver has to break down. (Travellers should start taking 2-3 capsules before bed a week before travelling).

Tips No.2: Digestive enzymes assist in breaking down proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fibre in digestive system and helps to remove more waste matter. (Take some with you and have 2 with each meal).

Tip No. 3: Energising, invigorating and cleansing, Vitamin C (e.g. 1000mg effervescent tablets) helps the body produce glutathione, a liver compound that drives toxins away from the body. Dilute with cold water and drink it up!

Tip No. 4: Study has shown that Ginger tea helps settle digestion, ease nausea and make your journey more pleasant. Drink it before you set off and put some in your thermos for your trip.

Tip No. 5: The combination of Psyllium husk and Probiotics will often work where probiotics on its own will not. Purifyne incorporate both into their Purifyne Cleanse and our Plan A consists of Psyllium Husk:

  • Psyllium husk is a soluble fibre that forms a bulk in your gut giving protection to the good bacteria in your colon.