Juice Cleanse: Freshly-prepared juices act as a natural eliminator of toxins as well as supply vitamins, minerals and nutrients to strengthen one’s health. By effectively cleansing toxins from your body, you will experience a metabolic rate and energy level increase, a dramatic decrease in cravings, headaches and amount of sleep. Most of these factors are vital in maintaining a healthy weight level for years to come.
Omega-3 fatty acids help suppress appetite, decrease unhealthy cravings, burn more calories, lose weight and improve skin structure. It strengthens and keeps the “structural framework" of the skin cells supple and elastic, hence, against cellulite.
Probiotics (the beneficial bacteria, e.g. Acidophilus) create healthy bowel conditions, reducing the toxic load on the liver as the bad bacteria generate toxins which the liver has to break down.
Digestive enzymes assist in breaking down proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fibre in digestive system and helps to remove more waste matter.
Vitamin C also helps the body produce glutathione, a liver compound that drives toxins away from the body.
Dead Sea Salt scrub is an effective way of opening up lymphatic system which, in turn, increases elimination of toxins via your skin. Place 3-5 full tablespoons of the salt into your bath.